Rose is Api's boss.
Provides Api with emotional/general support when needed.
Apilankukka's thoughts on Rose
"She's very nice and understanding... I truly appreciate her as an employer and friend.."
Rose's thoughts on Apilankukka
"Api is a sweet little pup. I hope she'll be able to become more confident... or maybe even tell me what it is that's bothering her..."
Former classmates, stayed as friends even after graduating.
They've known eachother since they were kids, but didn't properly become friends before they'd started school and Tanner (back then Candice) defended her from some bullies.
They became even better friends once they entered vocational school (at this point Tanner had started considering transitioning as he didn't feel comfortable with his body).
Tanner had known since he was small that there was something off with Api's family, but she didn't tell him about anything before they were on their second year in vocational school.
To this day, Tanner is one of the few that knows about her... family issues.
Thanks to Tanner's help and encouragement, once they'd graduated vocational school, she filed and won a court case against her parents, leading to their imprisonment.
She felt a lot more at ease, but still guilty afterwards. Tanner helped her work through her emotions though.
He also suggested she'd go see a psychologist to help her deal with trauma/anxiety, but she refused, not wanting to talk about her traumas with a stranger.
At this point in time, they are both working in their respective jobs, but keep in contact regularily.
Apilankukka's thoughts on Tanner
"He's very nice... I'm glad he managed to figure his identity out, he seemed so unhappy with himself back then.."
Tanner's thoughts on Apilankukka
"Api's still as sweet but anxious as ever... knowing what she's been through though, I can't blame her. She seems to be having some trouble figuring herself out, but I'll be here by her side whenever she needs it"