Art by weenie
Rose is Api's boss.
Provides Api with emotional/general support when needed.
Rose's thoughts on Apilankukka
"Api is a sweet little pup. I hope she'll be able to become more confident... or maybe even tell me what it is that's bothering her..."
Apilankukka's thoughts on Rose
"She's very nice and understanding... I truly appreciate her as an employer and friend.."
Aquintances. Friendly.
Rose's thoughts on Tanner
"A nice young lad. I'm glad Api has a good friend she can lean on."
Tanner's thoughts on Rose
"Ms. Rose seems very nice! I'm glad Api found such a nice place to work."
Anniina is almost closer to Rose than to her own parents since Rose is more patient and understanding about her emotional issues.
They get along well and Anniina visits Rose whenever she can.
Rose's thoughts on Anniina
"She may not be good at showing it but she's a nice girl! I'm glad she visits often."
Anniina's thoughts on Rose
"Aunt Rose is very nice... She's patient with me. I like her."