Cares for him a lot. Is glad Lucas is too young to remember him from before the accident.
Idris' thoughts on Lucas
"He's my sweet lil' bro, and I will kick the ass of anyone that tries to bully him."
Lucas' thoughts on Idris
"Big bro is nice! He can be mean sometimes, but Ashe (my other big bro!) says he doesn't mean it, so I guess that's okay!"
Cares for him a lot.
Their parents travel a lot (for work), so they were without parental guidance most of the time when they'd become teenagers.
Idris felt like their parents preferred Ashe over him, making start to become bitter, their relationship starting to sour. This combined with Idris hanging out with other delinquents at school did not help.
Ashe never disliked his brother in any way and just wished they'd be able to get along better.
The turning point for their relationship was after Ashe experienced an accident in chemistry lab and had to stay at a hospital for a few days.
It's when Idris realized how much he still cared for his brother, despite denying it repeatedly before.
Idris had to take care of both Lucas (who was still extremely young) and Ashe while he was temporarily fully blind, even having to take a break from school until their parents could return.
He actually ended up thinking a lot during that time and eventually ended pretty much breaking down in Ashe's hold, apologizing for being an asshole.
Ashe immediately forgave him, happy to have his brother back.
Once their parents returned after they heard about Ashe's accident, Idris was able to return to school again. He helped Ashe catch up during the few months it took for Ashe to regain vision in one of his eyes.
He also started having complicated feelings about their parents during this time. Still loving them as parents, but also feeling bitter towards for them, feeling they weren't really doing a good job on the whole 'parent' thing.
Idris still retained some of his spiky personality, but significantly toned down, not really carrying any real negative intent anymore.
On good terms nowadays.
Feels like Ashe is too forgiving though.
Art by KimeDoggo
Idris' thoughts on Ashe
"I'm glad we are able to operate like a proper family nowadays... I still don't understand how he was so easily able to forgive my past behavior though... I haven't even forgiven myself for that yet... At least I can try and help him feel less like a single parent when mom and dad aren't home...which is most of the time."
Ashe's thoughts on Idris
"Idris is my twin. What has happened between us or will happen in the future will never change that... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy about him bettering himself so much though."