From Art Fight 2022
Friends. Bond over sewing. Visits his garden often.
Error's thoughts on Dream
"Dream is very nice and understanding... I appreciate him."
Dream's thoughts on Error
"Error is a great friend! He's helped me a lot with sewing."
Hearts was the first to find him after he got out of the anti-void.
Lived with Hearts until he was stable/confident enough to live independently.
Feels indebted to Hearts.
Error's thoughts on Hearts
"Hearts is the only reason I'm able to be wher I am today. He's a wonderful person and I owe him so much."
Hearts' thoughts on Error
"Error is an absolute sweetheart! I'm glad he's able to live a normal life now."
Friends. Finds Ink to be a little annoying/bothersome at times, but Error won't say no to listening him ramble on about stones.
Error's thoughts on Ink
"He can be incredibly annoying if he wants to... but he is still my friend."
Ink's thoughts on Error
"He's fun to poke at but he's also always willing to hear me talk about my interests."