From Art Fight 2021
Nightmare's thoughts on Dream
"I'm both surprised and grateful he's stayed with me for all this time. I would do the same for him without a second thought."
Dream's thoughts on Nightmare
"He's my brother and always will be, regardless of what he looks like... sometimes I wonder if it's selfish of me to try and find a way to turn him back..."
Friends. Nightmare's beta-reader.
Nightmare's thoughts on Hearts
"Despite what he may seem to someone that doesn't know him, Hearts is a very kind and trustworthy person. I'm glad I can work with a friend like this."
Hearts' thoughts on Nightmare
"We've known eachother for quite a while. I'd say we are quite good friends!"
Lives with Dream, Nightmare and the Murder Trio. They have a very teasing, kind of brotherly, relationship.
Nightmare's thoughts on Cross
"Cross is... an interesting character. He's fun to tease, but at the same time I... kind of relate to him in certain ways."
Cross' thoughts on Nightmare
"Nightmare can be a pain in the ass, but... at the same time, much like Killer, Dust and Horror, I wouldn't trade him for the world."