Pixel headshot
They're partners (Sonaverse!Abaddon).
When they're together they mostly just chill, usually very physically close together because Tin loves physical affection and Abaddon doesn't mind (and likes having what's his close to him at all times.
Abaddon usually let's Tin ramble on about whatever (usually Kirby lore) when she's feeling talkative.
They do lots of grooming (like cats do) and nuzzles. Basically just a whole lot of scenting and affection.
They do not like or feel comfortable saying they're dating or being called girlfriend and boyfriend.
Instead they usually call eachother partners, mates or husband/wife (not actually married, nor have plans to get married) if they talk about their relationship.
Abaddon's thoughts on Tin
"Precious little kitten~ Mine."
Tin's thoughts on Abaddon
"Lorge bastardman whomst I loaf. (´ ∀ ` *)"
Met through Tin.
While they're not particularily close, they've become slightly closer as of late.
Abaddon's thoughts on Sidi
"We're mostly just acquaintances with benefits. Out of their little 'squad', I'm only really close with Tin."
Sidi's thoughts on Abaddon
"We don't know eachother too well, but he's got some good dick."
Met through Tin. Their relationship has a bit of tension, but not enough to boil over.
While they're still not particularily close, they've become slightly closer as of late.
Abaddon's thoughts on Dark
"They clearly don't trust me, they probably think I'll hurt the other two. Maybe we'll eventually get along better."
Dark's thoughts on Abaddon
"...I don't know much about him, but Tin likes him and Sidi seems ok with him, so I tolerate him. He better watch himself though."