Art by ChocomintyStars
Seal is the pet of the sona squad.
Dark's thoughts on Seal
"Seal's kinda like a more sentient dog... a dog that thrives underwater."
Seal's thoughts on Dark
"*Happy seal noises* :D"
Friendly rivalry on who manages to fluster Tin the most
Art by LittleB100Bird
Dark's thoughts on Sidi
"Sidi's a flirty 'lil thing~ It's fun to compete with her. Or just hang out."
Sidi's thoughts on Dark
"Dark's almost like a mom sometimes. Also a good 'manager'. ;)"
Most connected to out of the other sona squad members.
Technically, if we're thinking the history of my main sona and their dark counterpart, they have a hell of a history that's made them go from enemies to friends to partners.
If we're thinking about these two versions of my sona/their counterpart, they've always had the relationship they currently do, although Dark was slightly more villanous in the beginning.
Art by LittleB100Bird
Dark's thoughts on Tin
"Ah, sweet Tin~ A precious little thing and fun to fluster~ Also very squishy *pokes her, earning a little squeak* Our relationship certainly changed a lot over the years.."
Tin's thoughts on Dark
"Dark's very nice... (,,;w;,,) Nowadays at least, they were kind of a prick back then.."
Met through Tin. Their relationship has a bit of tension, but not enough to boil over.
Dark's thoughts on Abaddon
"...I don't know much about him, but Tin likes him and Sidi seems ok with him, so I tolerate him. He better watch himself though."
Abaddon's thoughts on Dark
"They clearly don't trust me, they probably think I'll hurt the other two. Maybe we'll eventually get along better."