Older brother. Very dear to him.
Nathael's thoughts on Nicholas
"Nicholas is always so nice and patient... he's the only family I have left... he's very dear to me."
Nicholas' thoughts on Nathael
"Nathael is my dear little bro. He's the dearest thing in my life, I won't let anyone harm him."
Boyfriend. Loves very much.
Being with Samael has helped him gain a bit more confidence.
Confesses first: Nathael
Does most of the cooking: Samael (Nathael helps)
Does most of the chores: Samael (Again, Nathael helps)
Nathael's thoughts on Samael
"Samael... He's so nice.. and handsome... and cool and good at cooking and- *keeps listing things he likes about him while growing increasingly flustered*"
Samael's thoughts on Nathael
"Nathael... He's my precious little peach blossom. I've never actually felt this way about another guy before... I wonder what it is about him... Regardless, I couldn't be happier with him. ♡"
Aquintances. Scared of him.
Nathael's thoughts on Michael
"...I-I don't remember when I've last been as terrified as w-when I first saw him. I keep seeing him in passing, and the fact that a demon, or multiple, live near us terrifies me... Demons have already taken so much from me, I-I don't want to lose anyone else- *spiralling towards a panic attack*"
Michael's thoughts on Nathael
"I've seen him on occasion, I believe he lives somewhat near our base. He seems terrified of me, so I doubt he will be causing any trouble for us."
Aquintances. Intimitated.
Nathael's thoughts on Ciar
"I met him and Aqil when I was out with Samael... he kept staring at me almost the entire time... he's intimidating... ;^;"
Ciar's thoughts on Nathael
"He's mostly human so I'm not too fond of him... but he is Samael's partner and doesn't seem like someone to cause trouble for us, so I will accept his existence."
Feels a bit nervous around him, but finds him nice.
Nathael's thoughts on Aqil
"...He seems nice... His boyfriend is intimidating though ;w;"
Aqil's thoughts on Nathael
"I met him alongside Samael. He's very cute! I think he's scared of me though?? Am I scary???"
Good friends. He thinks of Nathael almost like a younger sibling.
Gave Nicholas and Nathael some new clothes after they'd escaped from their village, as well as let them stay in his home for a while.
Nathael's thoughts on Shikoba
"Shi is very nice! He helped us a lot when we needed it. He's almost like another big brother to me."
Shikoba's thoughts on Nathael
"Nathael is a sweet little guy. I'm more than willing to help him and Nicho out whenever they need it."
Get along well.
They had passing crushes on eachother, but stayed as friends.
Nathael's thoughts on Adelia
"Adi is a dear friend to me! She's very sweet."
Adelia's thoughts on Nathael
"Nathy is my best friend. I'm glad he seems to be doing a lot better these days."