Good friends (with benefits).
Gave Nicholas and Nathael some new clothes after they'd escaped from their village, as well as let them stay in his home for a while.
Shikoba's thoughts on Nicholas
"It's nice to see Nicho and his brother do well for themselves nowadays."
Nicholas' thoughts on Shikoba
"Shi has been a literal lifesaver for us, as well as a great friend. I appreciate him immensly."
Good friends. Thinks of Nathael almost like a younger sibling.
Gave Nicholas and Nathael some new clothes after they'd escaped from their village, as well as let them stay in his home for a while.
Shikoba's thoughts on Nathael
"Nathael is a sweet little guy. I'm more than willing to help him and Nicho out whenever they need it."
Nathael's thoughts on Shikoba
"Shi is very nice! He helped us a lot when we needed it. He's almost like another big brother to me."
Shikoba (unofficially) adopted her when he happened across her after she'd ran off from the orphanage.
While she's more like an adopted child, they prefer calling eachother siblings. Very dear to him.
Shikoba's thoughts on Adelia
"Shikoba's thoughts on Adelia go here."
Adelia's thoughts on Shikoba
"Adelia's thoughts on Shikoba go here."
One of Shikoba's friends and regular sexual partners.
Shikoba' thoughts on Violante
"Vio is certainly a character. They're very fun and can get pretty much anyone to relax!"
Violante's thoughts on Shikoba
"Ko is a real sweet guy and the most skilled tailor I've met to boot~"
One of Shikoba's friends and (semi-)regular sexual partners.
Shikoba's thoughts on Asmodeus
"Asmodeus! He's very nice to hang around! We don't get to meet quite as often as I'd like, but that just makes every time more special!"
Asmodeus' thoughts on Shikoba
"Shikoba... Never have I seen a more flamingly homosexual man *lmao*. I say this in a friendly way. He's a good guy and can do some magic if you just give him some cloth, sewing thread and time."