Pixel headshot
Met through Shikoba, and became friends (with benefits).
Vio's thoughts on Nicholas
"Niko's a fun guy~ I enjoy being around him."
Nicholas' thoughts on Vio
"Vio is... something for sure... They are.. enjoyable though."
One of Shikoba's friends and regular sexual partners.
Vio's thoughts on Shikoba
"Ko is a real sweet guy and the most skilled tailor I've met to boot~"
Shikoba's thoughts on Vio
"Vio is certainly a character. They're very fun and can get pretty much anyone to relax!"
Like father, like son.
Vio's thoughts on Abacus
"He's been a real good dad, couldn't ask for better, honestly."
Abacus' thoughts on Vio
"I'm glad Vio is doing well for himself! I'm proud of him. (´ ∀ ` *)"
He's a childhood friend of Vio's and they have a queerplatonic-adjacent-but-not-quite-but-not-quite-friends-with-benefits-either relationship.
They're still friends, but also go out on what's basically dates rather than hangouts and also make out on occasion, maybe even have sex.
Vio's thoughts on Asmodeus
"Asmo is very fun to be around, and I'm glad we have such a close relationship, even now. I'm proud of his progress as well!"
Asmodeus' thoughts on Vio
"We grew up together, and I'm happy we've stayed as close friends for this long. He's a bit of a horny gremlin at times, but that's part of his charm."